We went to Alexis' 2 month check up today. She was so pleasant- smiling and talking away during our 45 minute wait-the nurse weighed her and measured her ( 9lbs even and 21 inches long ) and she was happy as a little clam until of course the doctors
student assistant came in to examine her. She started screaming. Maybe she was just tired of laying on the "paper bed" naked for almost an hour, or maybe since she was a student she has no idea what she was doing...who knows, she is a nice woman but new at what she does. Alexis was upset but that was nothing compared to when she got two shots in her legs...poor baby screamed her little head off and got beat red in the face. Needless to say she is fast asleep right now. Doctor said everything looked great and we can actually start feeding her cereal at night now...yippy I might be able to final get some sleep at night!!